Graduated as Accounting Economist in June 2021 from TUC -Yrkeshögskola, Campus Lidköping. Learned depth knowledge in accounting, commercial law, taxation law, business finance and
financial management. Basic knowledge of Visma and Raindance system.
Masters in economics, graduated at the University of the Punjab, Pakistan.
Deepening in business economics, financial management, labor law, macroeconomics, political economy
and leadership.
Worked as Credit Officer, at NIB Bank Ltd, Head Office, Lahore, Pakistan. Worked as credit administration for the region’s business customers. Had taken care of reception of
loan applications, review of customers’ creditworthiness and annual report, customer contact, investigation
and reporting. Gained experience in CAD for portfolio management. Follow-up of internal policies,
invoice management and calculation.
Learned invoice management, ongoing accounting and reconciliation and has used the Köptvård and Raindance systems there.